Austin Group Psychotherapy Society
...And your Subjective Countertransference, of Course!"
Hosted by: Dylan Davies, MA, LPC, LMFT
Why are you drawn to work with couples? Are you simply passionate about healthy dyadic communication or are you, unknowingly and unconsciously, trying to remedy the interpersonal failures of your parents’ relationship(s) or your own partnership(s)?
If you don’t work with couples, what may be informing this choice? What feelings and triangulations might you be avoiding?
When working with two or more clients, whether in interpersonal group therapy or couples therapy, our relational and familial histories play out in our subjective countertransference. The original family scene manifests in pesky, hidden, and perhaps, conscious agendas. In group therapy, we often talk about the “group family” and the kinds of parents and caregivers we, as leaders, become in this context. We tend to speak less about this in couples work. In this intimate Friday Night Conversation, we will explore the intersection of our unique family constellations and the impact on our work with both couples and groups. Participants will reflect and converse on the various ways we show up reflexively in the clinical encounter, what roles we assume, and in what enactments we may find ourselves.
About the Presenter(s):
Charge: There is no charge for this event.
Austin Group Psychotherapy SocietyP.O. Box 684434Austin, TX 78768-4434
An Affiliate Society of the American Group Psychotherapy Association