Austin Group Psychotherapy Society

Diversity Dialogue: Women, Intersectionality, and Power in Group Psychotherapy Leadership - A Conversation with the Authors

  • Sunday, February 06, 2022
  • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
  • Online Event
  • 4


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Hosted by: Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee.  Moderated by Saralyn Masselink, LCSW

AGPS members Jeanne Bunker and Jan Morris authored chapters in the groundbreaking new book,  Women, Intersectionality, and Power in Group Psychotherapy Leadership, edited by Yoon Kane, Saralyn Masselink, and Annie Weiss.  This book presents multifaceted perspectives to examine assumptions about gender, intersecting identities, and power that impact women’s experience as group psychotherapy leaders, mentors, and educators.  Join us for a lively and thoughtful discussion with Jeanne, Jan and other authors of this book.  

Chapters Being Discussed: 

Belonging:  Queer Theory's Contribution to Modern Analytic Groups

Brown, Barriered, Bold:  One Therapist's Story of Leadership

Cinderella, the Wicked Queen, and Glinda Walk into a Group: Countertransference Resistance and the Female Group Leader

Liberating Ambition in Women Group Psychotherapists 

Redefining Female Power:  The Myth of the Selfless Therapist

Unwelcoming and Group Process

Charge: There is no charge for this event.

Note: All therapists and students in the therapy field are welcome.

Moderator: Saralyn Masselink, LCSW, CGP, has a private practice in Los Angeles, CA.


Kavita Avula, PhD, is a licensed international psychologist and group practitioner who works exclusively with organizations and their leaders.  

Jeanne Bunker, LCSW, CGP, FAGPA, has had a thriving psychotherapy private practice in Austin, TX working with groups, individuals and couples since 1992.

Ali Kimmell, LCSW, CGP, facilitates modern analytic process groups in her private practice in Oakland, CA.

Jan Morris, PhD, ABBP, CGP, FAGPA, is a psychologist in private practice in Austin, TX.  

Alexandra (Sasha) Watkins, LMHC EdD candidate, ABD, is an Associate Director of the MBA Student & Academic Services at Harvard Business School, Boston, MA, and adjunct faculty in the Division of Counseling & Psychology at Lesley University, Cambridge, MA.

Ellen L. Wright, PhD, is a licensed psychologist and certified psychoanalyst in private practice in Philadelphia, PA. 

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